Pitbulls For Sale
The First Memory I Had...
That simple Pitbulls For Sale sign was the first memory I had of my first dog, my pitbull Jack. That was over fifteen years ago now. As I said earlier it amazes me how those memories of my pitbull pup still radiate through the entirety of my whole being. At this very moment I can feel the contradictory emotions of happiness and despair arguing with each other. The happiness is influenced by the memories I still reminiscence over while the despair is the huge upper cut that reality throws at you to remind you those memories are permanently over.
A Warm Evening In The Middle Of Summer...
I still nostalgically remember pulling up to that Pitbulls For Sale sign in our tan 2000ish Honda mini van. It was a warmer evening placed in the middle of summer. The sky was painted with the orange, yellow, and red hues of a glimmering summer sunset. Beneath the sunset a trail of dirt and dust danced up from the the gravel road. Leisurely the grey powder settled back into place as the gravel road receded to the overpowering width of the horizon. It was beautiful.
A Settle Cry Pulled My Attention...
Then all of that blissful benevolence dissipated. A settle cry pulled my attention to a Pitbulls For Sale sign that towered over a blue baby pool filled with a blanket and a......what was it? At the time I wasn't sure what it was. It couldn't be a dog! It was far to small, and his eyes were shut.
"Honey it's a Pitbull puppy." said my mom correcting my unspoken thoughts.
"Honey it's a Pitbull puppy." said my mom correcting my unspoken thoughts.
He Was So Small and Vulnerable...
Indeed the Pitbulls For Sale sign was correct! That little, lonesome animal was a pitbull puppy! He was a dog! I remember being astonished that he was so small and vulnerable. My future pitbull Jack was the runt of the litter. Jack was by far the smallest and weakest of the litter, but I was obsessed immediately.
I Remember My Disappointment...
I remember my disappointment when we didn't pick Jack out that day. We didn't even pick out a single pitbull from the whole litter of pitbulls! Imagine a little kid being teased like that....it was devastating. A few days later we received a call from the owner of the litter of pitbulls. She said the whole litter of pitbulls found a home.....with the exception of Jack. That was the moment I knew my family was going to be the owner of a little baby pitbull named Jack.
Jack Became Family...
Jack would go on to be more than just a pitbull or a dog to us. Jack became family. He loved with all of his heart. He slobbered with all of his saliva. And he ate with all of the joy and happiness in the world. My little baby pitbull Jack grew up to me my best friend for thirteen years. He loved, lived, slobbered, and ate full hardheartedly for thirteen years straight until he passed away.
It Wasn't The "Pitbulls For Sale" Sign...
Initially I said that those contradictory memories were caused by that pitbulls for sale sign but that's not true. That pitbulls for sale sign was just the trigger. The true emotions came directly from my pitbull companion Jack. He was my best friend and I loved him. A pitbull is more than a typical dog, they are more than man's best friend; pitbulls are man's best family.
American Pitbull Terrior Breed
Quick Pitbull Summary
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog breed. It is a medium-sized, solidly-built, short-haired dog whose early ancestors came from the British Isles. They are strong willed, obedient, loyal, friendly, clownish, stubborn, intelligent, courageous, affectionate
Average Life Span
Higher Classification
British Isles
Pitbull Overview
The American Pitbull Terrier Breed may look like a fierce and dominant breed, but a lot of time sit surprises people that the Pitbull Terrier is actually a very easy going, light
hearted dog. Pitbull Terriers were initially bread to bait bull hence the name
"pitbull." A well bread American Pitbull Terrier is a very loyal,
compassionate, loving, and well behaved dog
and companion.
The American Pitbull Terrier is an extremely intelligent dog breed in comparison to others, but the American Pitbull Terrier is also an extremely stubborn dog. Image a very hard headed teenager andyou can imagine owning a pitbull. Training them takes extra
time due to their stubbornness. If you stick to it and don't allow any short cuts
your pitbull terrier will grow into a loyal, well behaved dog. Once you
get past their stubborn behavior they will become a fun and
loving companion!
time due to their stubbornness. If you stick to it and don't allow any short cuts
your pitbull terrier will grow into a loyal, well behaved dog. Once you
get past their stubborn behavior they will become a fun and
loving companion!
Pitbulls Training
Training an American Pitbull Terrier coincides with the summary of their "intelligent but stubborn" attitudes. Your pitbull dog will have potential to learn loyal, obedient, and
correct behavior as well as several advanced and unique tricks. That
being said you'll have to overcome your pitbull's "teenage"
stubbornness phase to reach their full potential.
correct behavior as well as several advanced and unique tricks. That
being said you'll have to overcome your pitbull's "teenage"
stubbornness phase to reach their full potential.
Pitbulls As Beggars
The simple answer....Yes. The American Pitbull Terrier is notorious for their begging abilities. Do not....let me repeat that...DO NOT give in to your pitbull's big deep brown begging
eyes! The pitbull is already stubborn do not give them another reason to keep
begging! If you set strict rules and boundaries with your pit they will
grow out of their begging face, but if you give in it can be
especially hard to break a habit for a pitbull.
eyes! The pitbull is already stubborn do not give them another reason to keep
begging! If you set strict rules and boundaries with your pit they will
grow out of their begging face, but if you give in it can be
especially hard to break a habit for a pitbull.
In general pitbulls are known for not doing as well with other dogs as other dog breeds in general.That being said each dog is their own individual and what is true in general is
not necessarily true fora specific member of that dog breed. If you are the owner
of a pitbull you should be very vigilant ofyour pup when they are around other
dogs. Especially in the beginning when you're not as familiar
with how they will react.
not necessarily true fora specific member of that dog breed. If you are the owner
of a pitbull you should be very vigilant ofyour pup when they are around other
dogs. Especially in the beginning when you're not as familiar
with how they will react.
Pitbulls Around People and Children
The pitbull tends to be in the news quite a bit. Most of the time any news about the pitbull tends to be negative. Whether that be because of a pitbull attack or because of a pitbull being abused. The truth is pitbulls get a pretty bad wrap. According to experts Pitbulls
are NOT inherently aggressive. In many cases they suffer due to bad ownership.
Sadly, they also tend to be a breed that is highly used in dog fighting which is
already the conception of many negative headlines. If you go look at the ASPCA
website they actually give the pitbull a similar endorsement as a golden
retriever saying "A well socialized and well trained pit bull is one of
the most delightful, intelligent, and gentle dogs imaginable.“ That
being said if there are children around without and adult you
should take the safer route and keep your
pitbull caged or kenneled.
are NOT inherently aggressive. In many cases they suffer due to bad ownership.
Sadly, they also tend to be a breed that is highly used in dog fighting which is
already the conception of many negative headlines. If you go look at the ASPCA
website they actually give the pitbull a similar endorsement as a golden
retriever saying "A well socialized and well trained pit bull is one of
the most delightful, intelligent, and gentle dogs imaginable.“ That
being said if there are children around without and adult you
should take the safer route and keep your
pitbull caged or kenneled.
Pitbull Personality Overview
Pitbulls are Strong Willed, Loyal, and Obedient dogs. Although pitbulls are extraordinarily courageous they would not make very good guard dogs due to their love for humans.
Many dogs of the pitbull breed would treat an intruder as a buddy not as a threat.
Pitbulls are also intelligent but stubborn. With quality, consistent training your
pit pal has the potential to develop a multitude of tricks and skills. Pit bulls
can also be fun, humorous, and clownish dogs. They absolutely love to
play and want nothing more than the loving companionship
of their human.
To Find Pitbulls For Sale Visit Links Below
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