Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Pet population and statistics in the United States

Facts about Pet Ownership in the U.S

As of 2016 It's estimated that 70-80 million dogs and 74-96 million cats are owned in the United States. Approximately 37-47% of all households in the United States have a dog, and 30-37% have a cat. Sixty-five percent of U.S. households, or about 79.7 million families, own a pet, according to the 2015-2016 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA). This is up from 56 percent of U.S. households in 1988, the first year the survey was conducted. 

Chart of Four of the Five Most Popular Pets in U.S. 2008
(Fresh Water fish is the most popular pet in the United States.)

Table about Pet Statistics

Statement By the Humane Society about the euthanization of pets due to over population

"About 2.4 million healthy, adoptable cats and dogs—about one every 13 seconds—are put down in U.S. shelters each year. Often these animals are the offspring of cherished family pets. Spay/neuter is a proven way to reduce pet overpopulation, ensuring that every pet has a family to love them."
To learn more about The Humane Society Organization click here.

Where Can You Go To Learn More?

Friday, May 13, 2016

Standards For Success

          "Be Patient Things Will Change For The Better." "Patience is a virtue." Or get this one "Good things come to  those who wait." I have always hated any sayings that involve "waiting" for change. I am a strong believer that waiting is a huge mistake; if you wait for positive change then you're just gambling with life. I firmly believe that the only way optimistic change is guaranteed to happen is if you make it happen. I firmly believe that your environment directly influences the person you are, the choices you make, and the out come that will eventually be dealt to you. That is why we initially declared that we are "proudly high school entrepreneurs."

          We decided to make something happen by surrounding ourselves with people who know what our goals and ambitions are. It's much more conceivable to achieve something when you believe in it. And Human nature dictates that it is easier for you to believe in something if your peers and environment do. That is why making that declaration was so important for us personally. If your entire environment knows your dreams and aspirations for entrepreneurship or anything else than that belief becomes reality. Your environment starts bringing up your goal every day. That belief becomes a fact of life and is permanently engraved into your mental persona, and that belief makes all of the difference. Passion and emotions will come and go, but belief is permanent. Belief is obsessive and consistent.

          Below is an email that I sent for a competition to attend The Next Generation Summit in New York City for Young Entrepreneurs on a travel stipend. I wanted to show that you should actively search for the right people to surround yourself with. I am writing this blog for two reasons: Reason one, I feel a constant need to convince as many people as possible, including myself, that we need to actively pursue goals with unwavering dedication and persistence. In doing so my belief in my goals and dreams are strengthened. And reason number two, I am doing everything I possibly can to go the Next Generation Summit. I will share this link with several people, doing everything I can to be one of the young entrepreneurs sent to New York City.

          Truly wanting something means I need to be writing about it, sending videos about it, watching videos about it, showing my excitement, and not worrying about letting my true feelings and emotions out into the open. After all letting them out into the open also brings them to reality. I repeatedly write, speak, and learn about what I want to be. About who I want to be. Every time I say I am willing to do whatever it takes, every time I read a book or audio book, every time I involve my self with special events like the next generation summit I am reinforcing my personal beliefs. Every single time I am taking action and actively improving I am reinforcing my personal belief in who I want to be and how I want to be. That action and that action alone is the only way to achieve guaranteed success. I would like to thank the HatchPad Organization for giving young entrepreneurs the opportunity to network and better themselves.

Dear Heather and the rest of the HatchPad Organization, recently my football coach sent me information about your grant to attend The Next Generation Summit in New York City. Being honest I must have thanked him ten times! I'm going to be genuinely honest. I almost made the mistake of keeping this email extremely formal. That would have been a personal mistake. I feel if I treated this with a purely formal perspective I would leave out vital information that provides you insights on who I am as a person. I don't want to receive a grant for being someone I'm not. I want you to feel like you can personally connect with me and understand who I am. There's a time and a place for a formal letter, but I don't believe that I would be doing the right thing if I were to use formalities here. I believe all entrepreneurs should look past formalities and into the depths of a person' wants, motivations, and needs. By the time I finish this email I hope you know more about who I really am. I want you to know that I will be as genuine as I possibly can in this email. After all, entrepreneurship involves taking a different and unique perspective on things. My name is Zachary Horton and I am a young entrepreneur...

          At first I didn't call it entrepreneurship. I simply called it fun. As early as 4th grade I was taking a different vantage point than almost any other kid. I began going to garage sales with my grandpa to buy items at a very affordable price. Afterwards, I would go home upload those items to eBay or Craigslist and sell them for a profit. This was in FOURTH GRADE, and I loved it! Now obviously I had help finding the hobby. My grandpa had been doing it for years, but the first time I purchased a Yamaha trumpet for $20 and sold it for $130 I was hooked! It wasn't the money that was so enticing to my 4th grade self. The idea of being self proficient was so much stronger than any amount of money. It was amazing! Even exhilarating! My 4th grade self made $900 that summer, and of course half of that went directly to the bank. That was my first taste of entrepreneurship, but it wasn't my last. 

          A few years later I started dabbling with technology. Technology still amazes me to this day. The idea of a single instrument influencing billions of people instantaneously awes me. The potential is phenomenal! I started off messing with random things, learning basic html until I eventually reached a site called Weebly. Weebly is a front end web development site where you can build websites without an immense amount of knowledge. It has a very easy drag and drop interface that made it a really efficient learning tool. The really cool thing about Weebly is that it also gives you the ability to manually go in and change the website's code if you're a proficient programmer. It's an amazing tool that has really affected my philosophy to this day. I love the idea that technology builds on itself. If you want to you can literally make a website in five minutes using tools like Weebly where as it used to take weeks to create a much simpler web page. The biggest lesson that I've learned from Weebly is the idea of using tools and resources to your advantage. There is a million and one ways to do something, but the efficient ways are usually better. If you can use the tools freely allowed to you, your productivity can spike tremendously. This gives you time to focus on other areas that could could benefit your clients. Later that year I learned enough about coding to use Weebly's templates to profit as a freelance website developer/designer. I would use the template and then go into the code to change settings exactly the way I wanted them. I can now develop websites so quickly that I can help the customer with Search Engine Optimization (improving traffic to your website through Google, Bing, and other search engines) for free. Weebly has taught me to use my tools to provide efficient and better services for clients. This gave me a competitive edge in a somewhat crowded free lance area. Using tools efficiently to improve my customer service helped me to make self made profit for the second time in my life as well as give me a strong base for my next entrepreneurial undertakings.

          In 2015 my friend Jacob Lane and I founded Rawls Treats LLC. We sell healthy, natural, and homemade dog treats to dog lovers. You can check out the site I made via Weebly at http://www.rawlstreats.com. The entrepreneurial experiences that I have been fortunate enough to partake in through Rawls Treats have provided amazing educational experiences. I have learned A LOT about tax laws, licenses, retail, banking, and other business oriented topics. It's been amazing, and I have loved every step of the way! So far we have shipped our treats to just over 20 states including New York, Washington, Texas, Utah, Kansas, and New Jersey. Jacob and I initially started selling our natural dog treats door-to-door, personally introducing our selves to members of our community who could potentially be great connections. We then decided that we would be able to expand if we could focus on the manufacturing and business sides of things. So we decided to involve our high school community. We now have had over twenty of our high school peers sell our dog treats door-to-door, several of them making hundreds of dollars. Our best salesperson, Jordan Bell, sells just over 10 bags an hour on average. He makes $4  for every bag and an extra $2 after every fifth bag. As a high school student Jordan averages more an hour than many college graduates by selling healthy and homemade dog treats to Kansas City dog lovers! We have also had other people in our community help us blog, take pictures, spread our name, give us advice, help us bake, create videos, write articles, create flyers, and help with a numerous number of other tasks. That is an amazing feeling for us! It's amazing how Rawls Treats started. We started Rawls Treats to stand out, but at the end of the day the real success comes from bringing people together. This has been the biggest lesson that entrepreneurship has taught me thus far. 

          I absolutely love the thrill of being an entrepreneur. I love the learning process, the obstacles, the success, the networking, and the dreaming. I love achieving a dream through a logical, determined approach. There's no other feeling like it in the world! If given the grant to attend The Next Generation Summit, I would use the opportunity to absorb as much information as possible, to network with as many people as possible, and to personally improve my self as much as possible. Entrepreneurship is more than just a passion for me. Entrepreneurship is my life; it's who I am. It's what I am. Entrepreneurship is engraved into every ounce of my being. I love it with all of my heart, and I will continually improve in every way that I can to become the best leader and entrepreneur that I can be. I want to give you a sincere thank you for taking the time to read my email and for considering me for your grant. Your consideration means more than you know, so thank you for your time.

All of the best,


RawlsTreats LLC


Standards For Success

I've always believed that you have t
Recently my football coach sent me information about your grant to attend the Next Generation Summit in New York City. Being honest! I'm going to be genuinely honest. I almost made the mistake of keeping this email extremely formal. That would have been a personal mistake. I feel if I treated this with a purely formal perspective I would leave out vital information that provides you insights on who I am as a person. I don't want to receive a grant for being someone I'm not. I want you to feel like you can personally connect with me and understand who I am. There's a time and a place for a formal letter, but I don't believe that I would be doing the right thing if I were to use formalities here. I believe all entrepreneurs should look past formalities and into the depths of a person' wants, motivations, and needs. By the time I finish this email I hope you know more about who I really am. I want you to know that I will be as genuine as I possibly can in this email. After all, entrepreneurship involves taking a different and unique perspective on things. My name is Zachary Horton and I am a young entrepreneur...

          At first I didn't call it entrepreneurship. I simply called it fun. As early as 4th grade I was taking a different vantage point than almost any other kid. I began going to garage sales with my grandpa to buy items at a very affordable price. Afterwards, I would go home upload those items to eBay or Craigslist and sell them for a profit. This was in FOURTH GRADE, and I loved it! Now obviously I had help finding the hobby. My grandpa had been doing it for years, but the first time I purchased a Yamaha trumpet for $20 and sold it for $130 I was hooked! It wasn't the money that was so enticing to my 4th grade self. The idea of being self proficient was so much stronger than any amount of money. It was amazing! Even exhilarating! My 4th grade self made $900 that summer, and of course half of that went directly to the bank. That was my first taste of entrepreneurship, but it wasn't my last. 

          A few years later I started dabbling with technology. Technology still amazes me to this day. The idea of a single instrument can influencing billions of people instantaneously awes me. The potential is phenomenal! I started off messing with random things, learning basic html until I eventually reached a site called Weebly. Weebly is a front end web development site where you can build websites without an immense amount of knowledge. It has a very easy drag and drop interface that made it a really efficient learning tool. The really cool thing about Weebly is that it also gives you the ability to manually go in and change the website's code if you're a proficient programmer. It's an amazing tool that has really affected my philosophy to this day. I love the idea that technology builds on itself. If you want to you can literally make a website in five minutes using tools like Weebly where as it used to take weeks to create a much simpler web page. The biggest lesson that I've learned from Weebly is the idea of using tools and resources to your advantage. There is a million and one ways to do something, but the efficient ways are usually better. If you can use the tools freely allowed to you, your productivity can spike tremendously. This gives you time to focus on other areas that could could benefit your clients. Later that year I learned enough about coding to use Weebly's templates to profit as a freelance website developer/designer. I would use the template and then go into the code to change settings exactly the way I wanted them. I can now develop websites so quickly that I usually help the customer with Search Engine Optimization (improving traffic to your website through Google, Bing, and other search engines) for free. Weebly has taught me to use my tools to provide efficient and better services for my clients. This gave me a competitive edge in a somewhat crowded free lance area. Using tools efficiently to improve my customer service helped me to make self made profit for the second time in my life as well as give me a strong base for my next entrepreneurial undertakings.

          In 2015 my friend Jacob Lane and I founded Rawls Treats LLC. We sell healthy, natural, and homemade dog treats to dog lovers. You can check out the site I made via Weebly at http://www.rawlstreats.com. The entrepreneurial experiences that I have been fortunate enough to partake in through Rawls Treats have provided amazing educational experiences. I have learned A LOT about tax laws, licenses, retail, banking, and other business oriented topics. It's been amazing, and I have loved every step of the way! So far we have shipped our treats to just over 20 states including New York, Washington, Texas, Utah, Kansas, and New Jersey. Jacob and I initially started selling our natural dog treats door-to-door, personally introducing our selves to members of our community who could potentially be great connection. We then decided that we would be able to expand if we could focus on the manufacturing and business sides of things. So we decided to involve our high school community. We now have had over twenty of our high school peers sell our dog treats door-to-door, several of them making hundreds of dollars. Two have made over a thousand dollars in under three weeks. Our best salesperson, Jordan Bell, sells just over 10 bags an hour on average. He makes $4  for every bag. As a high school student he is making more per hour helping Rawls Treats than several college graduates. We have also had other people in our community help us blog, take pictures, spread our name, give us advice, help us bake, create videos, write articles, create flyers, and help with a numerous number of other things. That is an amazing feeling for us! It's amazing how Rawls Treats started. We started Rawls Treats to stand out, but at the end of the day the real success comes from bringing people together. This has been the biggest lesson that entrepreneurship has taught me thus far. 

          I absolutely love the thrill of being an entrepreneur. I love the learning process, the obstacles, the success, the networking, and the dreaming. I love achieving a dream through a logical, determined approach. There's no other feeling like it in the world! If given the grant to attend The Next Generation Summit, I would use the opportunity to absorb as much information as possible, to network with as many people as possible, and to personally improve my self as much as possible. Entrepreneurship is more than just a passion for me. Entrepreneurship is my life; it's who I am. It's what I am. Entrepreneurship is engraved into every ounce of my being. I love it with all of my heart, and I will continually improve in every way that I can to become the best leader and entrepreneur that I can be. I want to give you a sincere thank you for taking the time to read my email and for considering me for your grant. Your consideration means more than you know, so thank you for your time.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pitbulls For Sale

Three pitbull puppies sitting on the header for "sale"

Pitbulls For Sale

       I remember it fiercely vividly, Pitbulls For Sale...Pitbulls For Sale....Pitbulls For Sale.....These words have  been permanently engraved into my mind. I will never forget that sign on the side of the  road that read Pitbulls For Sale. It's honestly amazing how the simple words Pitbulls For Sale has been buried into the depths of my mind. Being completely honest I've always  been extraordinarily fascinated over the myriad of emotions a simple for sale sign brings out of me....

The First Memory I Had...

         That simple Pitbulls For Sale sign was the first memory I had of my first dog, my pitbull Jack.  That was over fifteen years ago now. As I said earlier it amazes me how those memories of my pitbull pup still radiate through the entirety of my whole being. At this very moment I can feel the contradictory emotions of happiness and despair arguing with each other. The happiness is influenced by the memories I still reminiscence over while the despair is the huge upper cut that reality throws at you to remind you those memories are permanently over. 

A Warm Evening In The Middle Of Summer...

          I still nostalgically remember pulling up to that Pitbulls For Sale sign in our tan 2000ish Honda mini van. It was a warmer evening placed in the middle of summer. The sky was painted with the orange, yellow, and red hues of a glimmering summer sunset. Beneath the sunset a trail of dirt and dust danced up from the the gravel road. Leisurely the grey powder settled back into place as the gravel road receded to the overpowering width of the horizon. It was beautiful.

A Settle Cry Pulled My Attention...

          Then all of that blissful benevolence dissipated. A settle cry pulled my attention to a Pitbulls For Sale sign that towered over a blue baby pool filled with a blanket and a......what was it? At the time I wasn't sure what it was. It couldn't be a dog! It was far to small, and his eyes were shut. 

"Honey it's a Pitbull puppy." said my mom correcting my unspoken thoughts.

He Was So Small and Vulnerable...

           Indeed the Pitbulls For Sale sign was correct! That little, lonesome animal was a pitbull puppy! He was a dog! I remember being astonished that he was so small and vulnerable. My future pitbull Jack was the runt of the litter. Jack was by far the smallest and weakest of the litter, but I was obsessed immediately.

I Remember My Disappointment...

          I remember my disappointment when we didn't pick Jack out that day. We didn't even pick out a single pitbull from the whole litter of pitbulls! Imagine a little kid being teased like that....it was devastating. A few days later we received a call from the owner of the litter of pitbulls. She said the whole litter of pitbulls found a home.....with the exception of Jack. That was the moment I knew my family was going to be the owner of a little baby pitbull named Jack.

Jack Became Family...

          Jack would go on to be more than just a pitbull or a dog to us. Jack became family. He loved with all of his heart. He slobbered with all of his saliva. And he ate with all of the joy and happiness in the world. My little baby pitbull Jack grew up to me my best friend for thirteen years. He loved, lived, slobbered, and ate full hardheartedly for thirteen years straight until he passed away.

It Wasn't The "Pitbulls For Sale" Sign...

          Initially I said that those contradictory memories were caused by that pitbulls for sale sign but that's not true. That pitbulls for sale sign was just the trigger. The true emotions came directly from my pitbull companion Jack. He was my best friend and I loved him. A pitbull is more than a typical dog, they are more than man's best friend; pitbulls are man's best family.

picture of pitbull looking at ceiling. Picture blends in with back ground

American Pitbull Terrior Breed

Quick Pitbull Summary

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog breed. It is a medium-sized, solidly-built, short-haired dog whose early ancestors came from the British Isles. They are strong willed, obedient, loyal, friendly, clownish, stubborn, intelligent, courageous, affectionate

Average Life Span

Higher Classification


British Isles

Pitbull Overview

The American Pitbull Terrier Breed may look like a fierce and dominant breed, but a lot of time sit surprises people that the Pitbull Terrier is actually a very easy going, light 
hearted dog. Pitbull Terriers were initially bread to bait bull hence the name 
"pitbull." A well bread American Pitbull Terrier is a very loyal, 
compassionate, loving, and well behaved dog
 and companion.

pitbull header eating dog biscuit pitbulls for sale post

Pitbulls Intelligence and Stubbornness

The American Pitbull Terrier is an extremely intelligent dog breed in comparison to others, but the American Pitbull Terrier is also an extremely stubborn dog. Image a very hard headed teenager andyou can imagine owning a pitbull. Training them takes extra
 time due to their stubbornness. If you stick to it and don't allow any short cuts 
your pitbull terrier will grow into a loyal, well behaved dog. Once you
 get past their stubborn behavior they will become a fun and
 loving companion!

Pitbulls Training

Training an American Pitbull Terrier coincides with the summary of their "intelligent but stubborn" attitudes. Your pitbull dog will have potential to learn loyal, obedient, and
 correct behavior as well as several advanced and unique tricks. That 
being said you'll have to overcome your pitbull's "teenage"
stubbornness phase to reach their full potential.

Pitbulls As Beggars

The simple answer....Yes. The American Pitbull Terrier is notorious for their begging abilities. Do not....let me repeat that...DO NOT give in to your pitbull's big deep brown begging 
eyes! The pitbull is already stubborn do not give them another reason to keep
 begging! If you set strict rules and boundaries with your pit they will 
grow out of their begging face, but if you give in it can be
especially hard to break a habit for a pitbull.

picture of pitbull sitting on header

Pitbulls Around Other Dogs

In general pitbulls are known for not doing as well with other dogs as other dog breeds in general.That being said each dog is their own individual and what is true in general is
 not necessarily true fora specific member of that dog breed. If you are the owner
 of a pitbull you should be very vigilant ofyour pup when they are around other 
dogs. Especially in the beginning when you're not as familiar
with how they will react.

Pitbulls Around People and Children

The pitbull tends to be in the news quite a bit. Most of the time any news about the pitbull tends to be negative. Whether that be because of a pitbull attack or because of a pitbull being abused. The truth is pitbulls get a pretty bad wrap. According to experts Pitbulls 
are NOT inherently aggressive. In many cases they suffer due to bad ownership. 
Sadly, they also tend to be a breed that is highly used in dog fighting which is 
already the conception of many negative headlines. If you go look at the ASPCA 
website they actually give the pitbull a similar endorsement as a golden 
retriever saying "A well socialized and well trained pit bull is one of 
the most delightful, intelligent, and gentle dogs imaginable.That 
being said if there are children around without and adult you
 should take the safer route and keep your
 pitbull caged or kenneled.

Pitbull Personality Overview

Pitbulls are Strong Willed, Loyal, and Obedient dogs. Although pitbulls are 
extraordinarily courageous they would not make very good guard dogs due to their love for humans. 
Many dogs of the pitbull breed would treat an intruder as a buddy not as a threat. 
Pitbulls are also intelligent but stubborn. With quality, consistent training your 
pit pal has the potential to develop a multitude of tricks and skills. Pit bulls 
can also be fun, humorous, and clownish dogs. They absolutely love to 
play and want nothing more than the loving companionship 
of their human.

To Find Pitbulls For Sale Visit Links Below

Half of the face of a pitbull can only see one of pitbulls eyes pitbull has black hair

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Dog Blog For Man's Best Friend: Five Easy, Homemade Dog Treat Recipes

The Dog Blog For Man's Best Friend: Five Easy, Homemade Dog Treat Recipes: Your dog will do anything for you: fetch the morning paper, act as a stand in pillow, and rush to the door every time you enter the house....

Five Easy, Homemade Dog Treat Recipes

Your dog will do anything for you: fetch the morning paper, act as a stand in pillow, and rush to the door every time you enter the house. With that much dedication, doesn’t your pet deserve the best in return? Try making homemade dog treats that are healthy, easy to make, and fun for your dog to eat!
Below you’ll find five easy, delicious treats your dog is sure to enjoy. Happy eating!

Peanut Butter Carrot Dog Treats
Preheat oven to 325˚F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Combine 1 c. of peanut butter, ¾ cup of skim milk, 1 egg, and 2/3 cup shredded carrot in a large bowl.
Add in 2 and ¼ c. flour and 1 T. baking powder.
Mix in 1/3 c. oats. Dough should be thick.
Roll out dough to ¼ inch and cut into shapes. Bake until lightly brown on bottom, around 15 minutes. Flip onto other side and bake another 10 minutes.
Let cool and enjoy!

dog treat recipes - this one is the carrot peanut butter flavor
Peanut Butter Carrot Dog Treat Recipe

Doggie Ice Cream
dog treat recipes - Doggie Ice Cream
Doggie Ice Cream Dog Treat Recipe
This next dog treat recipe is probably one of the most unique and easiest dog treat recipes you'll be able to use.  
Mix equal parts of water and low or no sodium broth and pour into ice cube trays.
Add extra treats into the trays such as chicken, beef, veggies, dog food, or homemade dog treats.
Freeze and let your dog enjoy!
For more information check out http://www.dogtreatkitchen.com/ice-cream- for-dogs.html

Apple Crunch Pup Cakes

Preheat oven to 350˚F.
Combine 2 and ¾ c. water, ¼ c. unsweetened applesauce, 2 t. honey, 1/8 t. vanilla extract, and 1 egg in a bowl.
Mix in 4 c. flour, 1 c. dried, unsweetened apple chips, and 1 t. baking powder.
Pour batter into lightly greased muffin pans.
Bake 1 and ½ hours.
Cool and enjoy!
dog treat recipes- apple crunch pup cakes
Apple Crunch Pup Cakes Dog Treat Recipe

Cinnamon Bun Bites
Preheat oven to 350˚F.
Combine 2 c. flour, 1 t. baking powder, and ¼ t. salt in a bowl.
In a separate bowl, mix together ½ c. water or milk, ¼ c. canola oil, and 1 egg.
Add wet ingredients into dry ingredients to create a soft dough.
Roll out onto a floured surface into a 8x14 inch rectangle.
Drizzle 2 T. honey, 1 t. cinnamon, and ¼ c. chopped walnuts or pecans.
Start at long edge and roll up into a log. Pinch to close on edge. Cut ½ in. slices and lay onto a baking sheet sprayed with nonstick spray.
Bake until springy, around 15 minutes. Let cool.
Combine ¼ c. light cream cheese and 1-2 T. water. Drizzle over top of treats.
Let dry and enjoy!

dog treat recipes - Cinnamon Bun Bites
Cinnamon Bun Bites Dog Treat Recipe

Green Goodies
Preheat oven to 350˚F.
Blend together ½ c. packed, fresh spinach and 1/3 c. water. Add in ½ c. applesauce and ¼ c. creamy peanut butter or tahini and blend until combined.
Combine 2 and ¾ c. green pea flour, 2 T. whole, ground flaxseeds, and 1 T dried, chopped parsley in a bowl.
Pour wet mixture into dry mixture and combine, using hands if necessary, to create a stiff dough.
On floured surface, roll dough out to ½ in. thick. Cut into shapes and place on a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Bake until dry and golden brown, around 28-32 minutes.
Let cool and enjoy!

Dog Treat Recipes - Green Goodies
Green Goodies Dog Treat Recipe

~ By Lauren Fricke

Neither Lauren or Rawls Treats own the rights to any of these pictures of dog treat recipes. We provided links to each of the sites the pictures were found on. We hope you enjoy the dog treat recipes! If your interested in more dog treat recipes you can visit here for other healthy dog treat recipes!